VOMARC Membership
Joining or renewing membership is handled through the Ham Club Online website. If you prefer to use the postal service, send your dues to VOMARC in care of the Sonoma Police Department, 175 1st St West, CA 95476.
Step 1: Set up an account on Ham Club Online
If you do not yet have a Ham Club Online account, create one for free going to their registration page.
If you do not yet have an Amateur Radio license, send us an email at valleyofthemoonarc (at) gmail (dot) com and we'll get you added manually.
Step 2: Join VOMARC
Once logged into HamClubOnline click on the "Apply for Membership with a HamClubOnline Club" link. Enter our club callign (W6AJF) in the Apply to a Club page and press Submit. Ham Club Online will walk you through the rest of the steps at this point.
Dues are $15 per year and payable through PayPal. You don't need a PayPal account if you use a credit card for payment instead.
Step 3: Participate!
We'll send you a welcome email when we've received your application and dues. Now, check out our events page for club activities and join in as a full member. Welcome!